Brutal kindness

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14 Desembre, 2016 per mariano

brutalkTítol recurs: Brutal kindness


Autoria: Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti

Paraules clau: migración, solidaritat

Idioma: àngles

Descripció: Poema en relació a la migració, la “integració” i l’acollida a Europa de persones procedents de diferents països.
Introdueix un enfocament crític al punt de partida de moltes accions caritatives o solidàries que poden reforçar una visió paternalista o superior de qui les promou
Un bon recurs per fomentar el debat

Tipus de recurs: Cinema i Literatura

Edats: 14-18 anys, Persones adultes

Àmbit educatiu: Escoles i instituts, Lleure i associacionisme educatiu, Espais informals


Brutal kindness

We welcome you in our nation
Our borders open only to a few
We ask for nothing in return, except
That you recognize the deepest wisdom
That when in Rome you do as the Romans do

Therefore, you must
speak our language
admire our deeds
adopt our dreams
obey our laws
embrace our values
praise our intelligence
like our food
fulfil our expectations
mimic our behaviour
contribute to our economy
aspire to be like us
commit to staying here
dedicate your life to our people
and be thankful for our efforts to help you

We offer you unlimited hospitality
We chose you amongst countless others
We ask for nothing in return, except
That you acknowledge the ineptitude of your people
And the natural exceptionality of ours

Therefore, you must
know your place
do as you are told
strive for your best
work twice as hard
feel indebted
show good manners
be clean and organized
get an education
dress appropriately, smell nice
pay your duties
lay low, be happy, focus on positive things
use language that we can understand
entertain us with your culture, when requested
and jump off the balcony, if required

We give you access to the best welfare and education system
We expect you to show us that you deserved it
We ask you for nothing in return, except
That you appreciate the privilege
Of being allowed amongst us

Therefore, under no circumstance, should you
break our trust

complain or communicate disapproval
expose our inadequacies, reveal our contradictions
disclose our insecurities,  question our principles
challenge our authority or understanding of reality
make up unreasonable accusations
attempt to restrain our speech
fuel internal dissent
intellectually or biologically inoculate unauthorized foreignness
defy our right to distinguish our heroes
remind us of what we choose to deny
speak of the past we want to forget
outperform, outsmart , outshine us
or bite the hands that feed you

We will do everything in our power for you to properly fit in
We are certain you will acknowledge our benevolence
We expect nothing in return, except
That you salute our openness, altruism and sense of justice
And sacrifice your difference for the greater collective good

Therefore, you will not mind when
your confidence vanishes
your autonomy disappears
your will dissipates
your language expires
your dreams interrupted
your body and mind under surveillance
your freedom restricted
your growth constrained
your voice silenced
your conscience muted
your wings clipped
your capacity undermined
your life shaped into conformity
and your soul placed under arrest

We will give you a secure future

in an incomparable country
We ask for nothing in return, except

For your compliance
And that you do not offend us by wanting to leave


We have zero tolerance for the crime of ingratitude

Your choice not to conform to expectations

Or contempt for traditions and protocols

Will bring upon yourself unimaginable consequences

As a public reminder of the immorality of your character


Clear evidence that you have always been

ungrateful, arrogant, undeserving, deceitful,

sly, lazy, corrupt and evil

Someone who should have never been allowed

To set foot in this country in the first place.




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